Project new headquarters
New construction of the TAKTOMAT company headquarters with a production hall
Este proyecto está financiado por el ERDF.

Avance de la construcción – Nueva nave de producción de TAKTOMAT
Groundbreaking event for new TAKTOMAT headquarters on June 10, 2022
With an official groundbreaking event on Friday, June 10, 2022, TAKTOMAT celebrated the start of building the new production hall of the new company headquarters in Pöttmes.
Due to the successful development and the enormous demand for innovative automation components, the previous location in Pöttmes is too small. Due to new orders as well as important challenges in the field of digitalization, TAKTOMAT urgently needs additional capacities. Therefore, a new company headquarters is being built in Pöttmes not far from the current location on a site of approx. 22,000 square meters until the year 2023.
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